Purchasing and product management

Everything under control! Our purchasing department ensures a wide assortment of standard goods to be available from stock. We are prepared for you. Are you prepared for us?

Christian Schöttl
Head of Operational Purchasing
+49 (0)8166 9917-22
E-Mail contact

Niklas Huber
Operational Purchase
+49 (0)8166 9917-23
E-mail contact

Bianca Lechner (parental leave)
Product Management
+49 (0)8166 9917-33
E-Mail contact

Ferdinand Reng
Operational Purchase
+49 (0)8166 9917-14
E-Mail contact

Oliver Schäfer
Operational Purchase
+49 (0)8166 9917-21
E-mail contact

Doris Todt
Operational Purchase
+49 (0)8166 9917-55
E-Mail contact